The Shasta Family YMCA offers a unique program for teens - Y Club. Y Club was developed in order to provide community youth, grades 6th- 12th, a safe and caring place to go after school. Popular from its onset, Y Club served over 300 teens last year, and this school year has already seen 220 teens enrolled. Y Club provides snacks, physical opportunities, tutoring, relaxation spaces, games, and social interactions.
Meet some of the unique and caring staff that help make Y Club an amazing place for students to go (left to right):
Emiliano is affectionally called "Lano" by the Y Club participants. Emiliano is loved by the teens and parents alike. Through leadership, humor and compassion, Emiliano demonstrates how to get the most out of wherever you are placed in life.
Jordan loves to make everyone feel like they belong. Jordan brings laughter and light to the teens she works with in Y Club.
Kirsten enjoys making sure that everyone has the opportunity to share a meal with a friend in a safe place.
Ginger, who is a former Y Club participant, is excited to give teens the experience she had when she was in Y Club. Y Club was a place were she felt she could be herself.
Bryant, "B" as the teens call him, brings fun and laughter. Bryant shows everyone it does not matter what your abilities are, it is trying to do your best that matters. Bryant works with teens to build their confidence.
Y Club is free with a Y membership. For more information on Y Club, click here or call the Y at 530.246.9622.