"Thank you, Y friends, for your ongoing support and the role you play in helping us provide a consistent, stable, and welcoming place for people from all demographics to connect and belong. What a privilege it is to serve our community – we couldn’t do it without you!" - Kristen Lyons, Shasta Family YMCA CEO
The Shasta Family YMCA has been a cornerstone for our local community for 75 years. We respond to the needs of the community and lend support during critical moments. Your financial support helps us deliver critically needed programs and to do the work we do every day to serve children, individuals and families: from preventing summer learning loss for at-risk youth; to ensuring that families have positive spaces to play together; or helping adults make lifestyle changes to prevent chronic illnesses. We cannot do what we do alone, we need you beside us.
Shasta County ranks 56 of 58 California counties in overall health, with statistics indicating high levels of poverty, low education levels, and high rates of obesity, substance abuse, and suicide. Shasta County youth suffer from high rates of ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) and have very high entry rates into the foster care system. Our community includes populations "most at risk of drowning" due to low income and high exposure to open water. Drowning is still the 2nd leading cause of death for children under age 14.
The goal of the Y is to give everyone a chance to grow, succeed and be healthy. Through generous donations to our Financial Assistance program, the Shasta Family YMCA is able to provide access to all who wish to participate in Y programs and health offerings; we turn no one away due to an inability to pay.
The Y knows that for us to succeed as a community, we need everyone to succeed as individuals and families. Please consider making a gift to the Shasta Family YMCA to help ensure we have the resources necessary to deliver highly needed programs and services to our communities and neighbors. We are truly a community organization.