Healthy Eating

Here are some tips for navigating holiday parties from your health coach!

1. Begin with a pre-party!
That means having a healthy snack before you leave to offset any automatic responses to diving into the chips and cookies. Just like you wouldn't go to the grocery store hungry, you can prepare before you go to a gathering! 

2. Don't forget movement
Research shows that only 30 minutes of exercise can reduce your junk food cravings! There are science-based benefits from simply walking, like lowering blood sugar, lowering triglycerides, reducing inflammation, boosting blood flow to the brain, improving mood, and more.

3. Sleep is super important!
Sleep is always important, but especially during this season. Giving your body adequate rest boosts your immune system and the hormones to have your body function at its best. Contrary to popular belief, alcohol does not support a great night’s sleep. Caffeine consumption, even hours before bed can also negatively impact your slumber.

4. Bring a friend
Your five closest people in your life are most likely to influence your health, for good or for less healthy. Choose who you are inviting into that space. Bringing a friend to a party can help ensure you choose dishes that are healthy.

5. One and done
Those continual refills add up in calories. Fill up one plate and be done, and choose wisely what makes it onto your plate. 

Overindulging and then beating yourself up with shame is not effective towards health, like fasting, over-exercising or restrictive tactics to make up for what you did consume. Remember to extend yourself some grace, and think of one small step toward health you can choose today.

Health is a journey and we have some programs to support you:

Happy New Year!

Locations: Shasta Family YMCA
Category: Healthy Eating