Summer Running Group

New to running or you just need some camaraderie and motivation? This 8-week program is for you. You will find your love of running, build your endurance, and create lasting bonds with other participants. 

Some of the many benefits to running include improved productivity and mental health, improved heart health, and improved sleep. 

June 18 - August 8
Tuesdays & Thursdays
5:30 AM - 6:30 AM


Boxing Round 3

You will learn boxing fundamentals, the five punches, proper footwork, defensive maneuvers, and conditioning elements essential for a successful boxer.


This 6-week class is fast-paced, and will make you sweat, teach you the science of boxing, and provide a fun challenging workout that will give you results. 


Tuesdays & Thursdays

June 18 - July 30

6 PM - 7 PM

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