For over 50 years, YMCA Camp McCumber Resident Camp has been a summer staple for North State youth. At YMCA Camp McCumber, we make sure youth have opportunities for positive growth and development. We do this through an outdoor environment that is happy, safe, and educational, with activities that will promote youth learning respect for their fellow campers, for their own abilities, and for nature. There are activities that will reach everyone's interests, such as canoeing, fishing, arts & crafts, sports, archery, cabin-bonding, day hikes, campfire, water fun, and more. No one is left out or behind.
In 2022, over the course of two week-long camp sessions, Camp McCumber was home to 219 Campers, 109 of whom attended both sessions, and 48 Counselors-in-Training (CITs), with 31 attending both sessions, plus a full, competent team of adult Counselors, most of whom were once Campers and CITs themselves.
At the Y, we never want the cost of a program to prevent someone from participating. Thanks to our donors and sponsors, last year we were able to offer financial assistance to over 15 campers and full scholarships to 6 others. In addition, camping supplies and bedding were provided when a family could not supply them. At the Y, we call this the Donor Difference, because these youth would not have been able to attend camp otherwise.
If you would like to find out more about the Y's Send A Kid To Camp campaign, or ways to support our year-round day camps, contact Julie Schroeder, Donor Relations and Development Manager, at 530.246.9622 x126 or [email protected].