Child Care Blog

The Y advocates making a difference in the lives of our local youth. Bryn Jones is one of those youth. Bryn's Y experience began in 2018 when she was a participant in the Y's Boulder Creek Afterschool Program. Bryn exceled in school, and is now attending UPREP High School, where she is very active in basketball, softball, and volleyball. When Bryn became of legal age to work, she choose to apply at the Shasta Family YMCA. She was excited to obtain a job working with staff she formed bonds with while in the Y's child care program. Bryn works in the Y's non school day camps and loves it. Her own experiences in the Y's child care programs helps her relate to the youth and inspires her input. The Y is excited to have Bryn on our child care team.

Locations: Shasta Family YMCA
Category: Youth Development