Playground project

Playground Project update: We are over half way to our goal! Thank you to all who have donated. There is still time to donate to help us reach our goal by October 31. 

Playground project graphic

For over 20 years, thousands of children have spent time playing on our playground. It has been a great run, but our playground has become weary, and it is time for it to be upgraded and replaced.

The Shasta Family YMCA is committed to helping individuals develop healthy lifestyles from the earliest ages. Consistent with our mission, a well-appointed playground is one of the most beneficial facilities we can offer children to grow holistically: physically, socially, emotionally, and imaginatively. In addition, the playground area is a gathering place for parents to socialize, as they watch their children play. 

The plan to renovate the playground includes:

  • Substituting recycled rubber as ground cover for the playground floor.
  • Replacing the out-of-date and/or broken play structures with fresh, modern equipment that both draws children to the yard and ignites their imaginations.
  • Installing new play equipment that is both adaptive and ADA-compliant to enable those with physical challenges to access it. 

The project total for the playground renovation and replacement is $150,000. The Y has been granted $50,000 for this project - a third of what is needed! The Y has entered into a "sprint campaign" to raise the additional $100,000 needed by October 31, so the project can be fully funded and ready to get underway by the end of the year. 

We are asking for your help to create a new play space for children of all ages and abilities to discover, imagine, and build friendships for years to come! Join us in helping make this new play space a reality for our youngest Y members. 


Locations: Shasta Family YMCA
Category: Youth Development